Writers In Treatment’s 15th Annual Los Angeles
REEL Recovery Film Festival & Symposium®
October 27-28-29, 2023
Laemmle NoHo
5240 Lankershim Blvd.
North Hollywood, CA 91601
(Schedule subject to change)

Fri., Oct. 27 @ 5:00pm
Opening Night Event
Filmmaker/Networking Party
The Federal
(across the street from Laemmle NoHo Theatre, validated parking located at 11144 Weddington St. – one block North of the theatre)

Fri., Oct. 27 @ 7:00pm
The Allnighter (click for trailer (2022) An astrophysics student makes a bargain with a woman at a local pawn shop to recover his stolen research. Directed Aimee Graham. (US) 75 minutes. IN-PERSON: Aimee Graham, Owen Beckham, Sylva Kelegian, Gregory Gast, Nancy Harding, Ken Morris, Laura Chernicky, Naomi Grossman, Robert Peters

Fri., Oct. 27 @ 7:00pm
Maybe Just A Little Bit (2023) A dangerous confrontation leaves Raquel on the brink of relapse, but a spark of hope from Dr. Hernandez might just keep her out of jail. Directed by Claire Chubbuck. (US) 11 mins. IN-PERSON: Alba Villalonga i Cases and guest

Fri., Oct. 27 @ 9:00pm
The Astrid Experience (click for trailer) (2022) An artist in recovery meets a free spirited actress who takes him on an all-night adventure through Los Angeles. Directed by KT Curran. (US) 88 mins. IN-PERSON: Cal Barnes
Shorts Block 1

Sat., Oct. 28 @ 10:00am
Denise (2022) A distraught father enters a red light district and gets hijacked by a woman named Denise. Directed by Eva-Marie Fredric. (US) 5 minutes IN PERSON Eva-Marie Fredric, Frank Simes

Sat., Oct. 28 @ 10:00am
Torn Fabric (2022) “Torn Fabric” follows Alex on their 22nd birthday and their journey through the emotional spectrum of alcoholism and rebirth. Directed by DEA & SAINT. (US) 7 minutes IN PERSON Myles Rodriguez

Sat., Oct. 28 @ 10:00am
Another Drink (2023) A woman watches her life without alcohol. Directed by Sarah Jamgotch.(US) 3 minutes

Sat., Oct. 28 @ 10:00am
Dinner with Demons (2023) Dinner with Demons follows the story of Elora, a young woman who struggles with her own addiction and the guilt she feels about her father’s addiction and its impact on her family. Directed by Liberty Joy. (US) 7 minutes

Sat., Oct. 28 @ 10:00am
Down to the Bottom (2023) An unflinching, 13-minute look at alcohol use disorder and its impact. Directed by Carina Miller. (US) 13 minutes IN PERSON Carina Miller

Sat., Oct. 28 @ 10:00am
Jane (2023) Jane is hitting her alcoholic bottom and attends an AA meeting where the voices of those that share at the women’s meeting echo her own story (based on a true story). Directed by Kyle Michaels. (US) 11 minutes

Sat., Oct. 28 @ 10:00am
House of Lies Revisited (2023) House of Lies Revisited depicts the impact of addiction. Directed by Elizabeth Licht.(US) 5 minutes

Sat., Oct. 28 @ 10:00am
Clarity (2023) The struggle of addiction. The healing in recovery. Directed by Bryce Mackie. (US) 7 minutes

Sat., Oct. 28 @ 10:00am
Junkin’ (2022) Mike Heck seeks redemption after suffering most of his life with alcoholism, depression, and hoarding disorder. Directed by Andy Heck. (US) 7 minutes IN PERSON Andy Heck

Sat., Oct. 28 @ 10:00am
David Again (2023) An artist’s journey to recovery. Directed by Adam Elliot. (US) 18 minutes

Sat., Oct. 28 @ 10:00am
Drainpipe Diamond (2023) “Drainpipe Diamond” is an exploration of the harsh realities faced by a homeless girl living on the streets of Dublin, entangled in the depths of drug addiction and the unforgiving world of sex work. Directed by Joe Byrne. (Ireland) 4 minutes

Sat., Oct. 28 @ 10:00am
Triggered (2022) This collection of animations is based on a series of conversations with women about their PTSD. Directed by Jessica Mathis (aka Divinity Rose). (US) 21 minutes IN PERSON Divinity Rose and guest
Feature Presentation

Sat., Oct. 28 @ 12:30pm
12 Steps to Recovery (click for trailer) (2023) After the death of his brother and serving two years in prison, Joshua moves back in with his mom while under house arrest and is forced to address the addictions that brought him to this point through a 12 step program. Directed by Ryan Watson. (US) 92 minutes
Shorts Block 2

Sat., Oct. 28 @ 2:30pm
The Summers of Your Winter (click for trailer) (2022) Sara receives an opportunity to travel to the past and experience first-hand the moments that made her mother who she is now. Directed by Nei Loya. (Spain) 18 minutes

Sat., Oct. 28 @ 2:30pm
Querencia (2023) A woman struggling with her mental health must reconnect with her inner child in order to heal. Directed by Samanta Lucille Dragone. (US) 10 minutes

Sat., Oct. 28 @ 2:30pm
I Think Therefore I Boom (2023) A struggling young mother strives to bind her family together despite having an unstable husband, but everything changes when she realizes her four year old is missing and neglected by his absent-minded father. Directed by Ben Weber. (Mexico) 17 minutes

Sat., Oct. 28 @ 2:30pm
Finding Hope in America (click for trailer) (2023) The nightmare of addiction, seen through the eyes of a group of men and women, and the power of the community that saves their lives. Directed by Dylan Johnston. (US) 56 minutes

Sat., Oct. 28 @ 2:30pm
Flannel Pajamas for the Soul (click for trailer) (2023) From radio star to a man underground, Bradley MacAvoy’s demons crescendo at the most inopportune time of his life. Directed by Brian MacDonald. (Canada) 26 minutes
Featured Presentation

Sat., Oct. 28 @ 5:00pm
Attention Must Be Paid: Women Lost in the Opioid Crisis (click for trailer) (2022) Attention Must Be Paid explores the stories of women who are battling opioid use disorder and are casualties of this neglect. Directed by David Vinik. (US) 88 minutes
Featured Presentation

Sat., Oct. 28 @ 7:00pm
Wherever You Are, There You Go (2022) Baby, an addict in recovery, embarks on a cross country journey to make amends to those she’s wronged. Directed by Carol Brandt, Meredith Johnston, Dana Shihadah. (US) 89 minutes IN PERSON: Carol Brandt, Meredith Johnston, Dana Shihadah, Harper Robison
Shorts Block 3

Sat., Oct. 28 @ 9:00pm
Supercalifragilistic (2023) A cinepoem that explores the challenges of navigating the mental health system. Directed by Randy Kelly. (Canada) 5 minutes

Sat., Oct. 28 @ 9:00pm
Bay St. Healer (click for trailer) (2022) “It’s stupid to pathologize life,” says Toronto psychiatrist Dr. Gordon Warme. Over the decades listening to patient problems, he is unsure that their issues are caused by their faulty brains. Directed by Jonathan Balazs. (Canada) 67 minutes

Sat., Oct. 28 @ 9:00pm
The Glorbis (2023) A young woman decides to check herself into a facility and immediately regrets it. Directed by Jonny Berkowitz. (US) 13 minutes IN PERSON: Jonny Berkowitz

Sat., Oct. 28 @ 9:00pm
This Is Not A Pipe Dream (2023) A suicidal woman is united with younger and older versions of herself. Directed by Tracy Snyder. (US) 18 minutes IN PERSON: Diane Jones

Sat., Oct. 28 @ 9:00pm
Fun House (2023) Tom and Nate begin to experience oddities and stumble upon a mystical entrance to a hidden and outer-worldly party. Directed by James Turner. (US) 8 minutes IN PERSON: James Turner

Sat., Oct. 28 @ 9:00pm
Long Dark Road (2023) Becoming lost on a rural back road, a recovering addict seeks escape down an overgrown path. Reality soon distorts, and he must come to terms with himself to find his way back to the world. Directed by Aaron Connor. (US) 8 minutes
Feature Presentation

Sun., Oct. 29 @ 10:00am
Our American Family (click for trailer) (2021) “Our American Family” is a radically honest portrait of five family members grapling with the legacy of generational addiction. Directed by Hallee Adelman. (US) 88 minutes
Shorts Block 1

Sun., Oct. 29 @ 12:00pm
Father Son Camping (2023) My dad jettisons me during the Cub Scout’s father-son camping trip. A tragic tale told with perspective and humor. Directed by Jordan Brady. (US) 7 minutes IN PERSON: Jordan Brady, Ben Brady, Jake Brady

Sun., Oct. 29 @ 12:00pm
Second Childhood (2023) A middle aged alcoholic returns home to his mother’s house to dry out and to become the son, husband, and father he wants to be. Directed Charles Bane. (US) 24 minutes IN PERSON: Charles Bane, Paulette Bane

Sun., Oct. 29 @ 12:00pm
Just For Today (2023) Billy, a long-time recovering alcoholic, undergoes a radical personal reckoning across the space of a single share at a twelve-step recovery meeting. Directed by Sean May. (US) 8 minutes

Sun., Oct. 29 @ 12:00pm
Unbearable (2023) Arthur begins to suffer flashbacks to a history of domestic violence. Directed by Benjamin Van den Berghe. (Belgium) 14 minutes

Sun., Oct. 29 @ 12:00pm
The Sight of Angels (2023) A man quickly going blind evaluates his life from this new perspective. Directed by Pasquale Esposito. (Italy) 16 minutes

Sun., Oct. 29 @ 12:00pm
Waving (2022) “Waving” explores the anguish of a father in self-imposed exile to shield his family from his OCD. Directed by Rolfin Nyhus, Steven Brumwell. (UK) 16 minutes
Shorts Block 2

Sun., Oct. 29 @ 2:00pm
Serenity (click for trailer) (2023) Li, struggling with the death of his sister Jessie, finds himself spiraling into drug abuse. Directed by Ryan Stopera. (US) 15 minutes

Sun., Oct. 29 @ 2:00pm
Soil (2022) A young man tries to grow an oak tree by combining soil, an acorn, and the ashes of his dead father. Directed by Sam Lembeck. (US) 11 minutes

Sun., Oct. 29 @ 2:00pm
Sound Check (2023) A comic processes the passing of his mother. Directed by Stephon O Pettway, Thomas D Slivinski. (US) 10 minutes

Sun., Oct. 29 @ 2:00pm
Waking Up A Widower (2023) A man comes to terms with the sudden loss of his wife. Directed by David Grewe. (US) 6 minutes IN PERSON David Grewe and guest

Sun., Oct. 29 @ 2:00pm
We Are Those People (2023) This documentary showcases the stories of former alcoholics and the circumstances that brought them to recovery. Directed by Erika Ball. (US) 45 minutes

Sun., Oct. 29 @ 2:00pm
Mana Over Meth (2022) Determined to break the cycle for her tamariki, one wāhine toa turns her troubled life of addiction and trauma around by rediscovering her wairua and reclaiming her mana. Directed by Holly Beckham. (New Zealand) 11 minutes IN PERSON Holly Beckham, Mamaeroa Mana

Sun., Oct. 29 @ 2:00pm
The Right Words (2023) A man struggles to find the right words in the most important letter of his life. Directed by Ross Asdourian. (US) 6 minutes
Shorts Bock 3

Sun., Oct. 29 @ 4:30pm
Hold On (2023) Inspired by the poem, “Heartbreak Times Infinity,” the “Hold On” song empathically encourages us to “hold on” and not act on suicidal thoughts. Directed by Diane Kaufman. (US) 5 minutes

Sun., Oct. 29 @ 4:30pm
Monster Inside (2022) A music video set to “Echoes of the Lost” by Stuttgart that illustrates the weight of depression. Directed by Marcel Joey Majer Corona. (Germany) 5 minutes

Sun., Oct. 29 @ 4:30pm
Rosie (2022) The story of two friends navigating life and loss. Directed by Eva-Marie Fredric. (US) 19 minutes IN PERSON: Eva-Marie Fredric, Frank Simes

Sun., Oct. 29 @ 4:30pm
Borderlines (2021) Borderlines is an artistic statement that takes an unflinching look at the rage and depression that often comes along with a lifelong chronic illness. Directed by CourTney Collins. (US) 6 minutes

Sun., Oct. 29 @ 4:30pm
Lanterns Flicker (2023) A Canadian veteran who served in Afghanistan turns to music to help him in his battle with PTSD and to raise awareness of veteran suicide and mental health. Directed by Yoni Collins. (Canada) 15 minutes

Sun., Oct. 29 @ 4:30pm
Stuck (click for trailer) (2023) A young army veteran with PTSD and his two friends end up stuck in a minefield in the Golan Heights and try anything to get out. Directed by Shoval Chiprut. (Israel) 27 minutes

Sun., Oct. 29 @ 4:30pm
Walking in Place (2023) Chris falls into an episode of depersonalization as friends and family attempt to pull him out of his trance. Directed by Clayton James Favor. (US) 13 minutes

Sun., Oct. 29 @ 4:30pm
Burnt Out (2022) A young girl struggles with her feelings of burnout. Directed by Georgia Goodman. (US) 2 minutes

Sun., Oct. 29 @ 4:30pm
The Score Keeper (click for trailer) (2022) A young, chronically ill female sets out to document her healing journey. Directed by Alyssa Park. (US) 11 minutes IN PERSON: Alyssa Park, Michaela Moore, Mackenzie Martin
Shorts Block 4

Sun., Oct. 29 @ 6:30pm
Cotton Fever (2022) James, a low level drug dealer and addict, struggles to raise money for a new family. Directed by Daniel Blake Schwartz. (US) 19 minutes IN PERSON: Daniel Schwartz, Jenna Makenzie

Sun., Oct. 29 @ 6:30pm
No Matter What (click for trailer) (2023) Cassy Bustos and her family navigate through substance abuse, trauma, the criminal justice system, and re-entry from prison. Directed by Gayle Nosal, Beret E Strong. (US) 49 minutes

Sun., Oct. 29 @ 6:30pm
One Pill Can Kill (2023) “One Pill Can Kill” is a warning about the increasing dangers of deadly fentanyl Directed by Molly Hermann, Rob Lyall. (US) 35 minutes

Sun., Oct. 29 @ 6:30pm
Fent & Me (2023) If a 17-year-old girl could talk about her fentanyl addiction and tragic death, this is what she would say. Directed by Mark Cavanagh, Therese Dunn. (US) 9 minutes

Sun., Oct. 29 @ 6:30pm
It’s Your Choice (2023) When a young woman tries to tell her girlfriend that she loves her in front of her best friend, things don’t go as planned. Director Audrey Maxon. (US) 5 minutes

Sun., Oct. 29 @ 6:30pm
Loving Lenna (2020) A poetic narrative following Lenna’s discovery to self-love. Directed by Kirstie Muñoz. (US) 8 minutes
Featured Presentation

Sun., Oct. 29 @ 8:45pm
Swim Tuff (click for trailer) (2023) “Swim Tuff” captures Ben Tuff’s perseverance and joy in sobriety while looking to destigmatize addiction and help people learn to follow their dreams. Directed by Matt Corliss. (US) 48 minutes IN PERSON: Ben Tuff

Sun., Oct. 29 @ 8:45pm
The Choice (2023) A look at the choice to overcome video game addiction. Directed by Allee Chance. (US) 6 minutes